-5 :6 agosto 2015 . ogni giorno un pensiero

da “Repubblica” del giorno sabato 1 Agosto 2015 :      nota esplicativa :per militare leggi nucleare 

“Il super computer di Obama che ci cambierà la vita  : sarà usato per scopi militari ,  ma   anche  per   nuovi  farmaci  e  per  studiare  la  mente….Obama ha firmato l’Ordine esecutivo per avviare gli investimenti.”….”Sarà usato dal Pentagono per usi militari segreti… .”

Ecco la risposta del Sindaco di Hiroshima

March 12, 2013
His Excellency Mr. Barack Obama
The United States of America
Letter of Protest
Your country has announced that two tests involving plutonium were conducted on the
Z-Machine sometime between October and December of last year at a research facility in
New Mexico.
The tests were the same type conducted last May and August. Moreover, last December you
implemented a subcritical nuclear test. These repeated nuclear tests compel us to believe that
the U.S. intends to cling to its nuclear stockpile indefinitely. While arousing suspicion
regarding your intentions, they have betrayed the hopes of the hibakusha and the millions of
others who seek a nuclear-weapon-free world. Such actions are completely unacceptable, and
on behalf of the A-bombed city of Hiroshima and over 5,500 member cities of Mayors for
Peace, I vehemently protest.
We have been sending similar protest letters to your country for each nuclear test. I cannot
help feeling indignation at the fact that you ignore our wish for peace and continue this
nuclear testing. I urge you to stop betraying our hopes. Please contemplate the agonizing
experience of the survivors who witnessed the bombing, understand their sincere wish for
peace, and strive for the earliest possible realization of a world free from nuclear weapons.
Mayor of Hiroshima
President of Mayors for Peace
Mayors for Peace
C/O Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1-5 Nakajima-cho Naka-ku Hiroshima 730-0811 Japan
Phone: +81-82-242-7821 Fax: +81-82-242-7452 E-mail:[email protected]